#3, Sung Jun
Sara Kreutzer (who runs a school for troubled children) believes that was getting pupils to communicate with the animals on her farm, Hill Top, she can help them to discard some of the baggage that led to them rejecting mainstream schools. -Independent Newspapers
I don't agree with Sara Kreutzer. Of course, It is very important for children to enhance their emotional intelligence. However, the students who have rejected mainstream schools are used to abusing other students, smashing properties as well as rejecting the school system in areas such as attendance and study. All these problems make it impossible only to communicate with animals. Since they have several types of behavior, the methods for reducing problems must also be several, and must include a counterplan. That is, in the Horse Whisperer, although Grace's mind can be healed by communicating with Pilgrim, it is not suitable to apply this method to all pupils who have rejected their mainstream schools.